发布人:秦雯 发布时间:2018-06-18 浏览次数:2643 |
报告题目:SMART INFRASTRUCTURE AND CONSTRUCTION (智能基础设施与建设) 主讲人:Kenichi Soga(英国皇家工程院院士) 报告时间:2018年6月22日 上午9:00-11:30 报告地点:交通科技大厦602室 报告简介: 无论是在建造过程中,还是在整个设计生命周期中,均需要开发新型的监测手段来更好地了解基础设施的性能,以尽量节省材料、能源和劳动力资源。而传感器技术的进步,为从根本上改变基础设施的状态评估和监测手段提供了支持,因此,未来通过传感系统从基础设施中获得的丰富信息,将对与用户行为模式直联的集成基础设施系统的设计、施工、运营和维护起到促进作用。本次报告中, Kenichi Soga教授将对土木工程基础设施的设计、建造、维护和升级中的一些新观点进行介绍,同时也将给出一些新兴传感技术(包括分布式光纤传感器、计算机视觉、无线传感器网络、低功耗微机电系统、能量收集和人体传感器)用于基础设施中的实例。 Design, construction, maintenance and upgrading of civil engineering infrastructure requires fresh thinking to minimize use of materials, energy and labor. This can only be achieved by understanding the performance of the infrastructure, both during its construction and throughout its design life, through innovative monitoring. Advances in sensor systems offer intriguing possibilities to radically alter methods of condition assessment and monitoring of infrastructure. In this talk, it is hypothesized that the future of infrastructure relies on smarter information; the rich information obtained from sensors within infrastructure will act as a catalyst for new design, construction, operation and maintenance processes for integrated infrastructure systems linked directly with user behavior patterns. Some examples of emerging sensor technologies for infrastructure sensing are given. They include distributed fiber-optics sensors, computer vision, wireless sensor networks, low-power micro-electromechanical systems, energy harvesting and citizens as sensors. 主讲人简介: Kenichi Soga,英国皇家工程院院士,英国土木工程师学会会员,加州大学伯克利分校校长讲席教授,岩土领域奠基性著作《Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, 3rd edition》的联合作者,曾获得英国土木工程师学会颁发的George Stephenson奖章和Telford金奖及美国土木工程师学会颁发的Walter L. Huber土木工程研究奖等众多奖项。 Kenichi Soga教授的研究领域主要包括基础设施传感、基于性能的基础设施设计与维护、能源岩土工程以及从微观到宏观的岩土工程,期间发表期刊和会议论文350余篇,在剑桥大学工作期间,其与同事共同组建了智能基础设施与建设中心(CSIC,,该机构的目标是利用其开创性研究得到的新兴技术通过全寿命法改变建筑行业,以一种集成的方式实现建筑和基础设施的可持续性。 Kenichi Soga is a Chancellor’s Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He obtained his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley. He was Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Cambridge before joining UC Berkeley in 2016. While at Cambridge, he and his colleagues initiated the Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC, The strategic aim of CSIC is that emerging technologies from its pioneering research will transform the construction industry through a whole-life approach, achieving sustainability in construction and infrastructure in an integrated way. He has published more than 350 journal and conference papers. His current research activities are Infrastructure sensing, Performance based design and maintenance of infrastructure, Energy geotechnics, and Geotechnics from micro to macro. He is a Fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers. He is recipient of many awards including George Stephenson Medal and Telford Gold Medal from the Institution of Civil Engineers and Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers. |